Toyin Oloniteru
- • BSc, MSc (Lagos), MILD (Lagos), LLM, M.Infosec (UK)
- Technical and implementation experience in data protection and privacy compliance practice, emediation, training, polices and standards implementation Data Protection Compliance implementation services in economy sector including banks, fintech, Insurance companies, SMSEs, and public institutions in Nigeria. FinTech, Oil and Gas, Health, Charities in the past five years.
- 25 years of experience in E‑Payment System Integration, data analytics, blockchain innovation, I.C.T. Governance, Information Security, and Policy (Nigeria & U.K., Macao)
- Public leadership, Experience as a former Director‑General of Ekiti State Nigeria I.C.T. Development Agency with 20 years in E‑Payment System Integration, Security and Policy Service
- Management and technical experience in telecommunication policy, regulation, system integration project management team
- Extensive experience in e‑Government service development, and member of community of Practise for Electronic Governance, an initiative of the United Nations University International Institute for Software Technology (UNU‑IIST), C e n tre for El e c tron i c Gov e r n a n c e , Ma c a u S A R.